Port Charles Marina has the reputation of employing qualified and knowledgeable marine mechanics. They also possess a 60 ton travel lift. Accordingly, they are our next “premier” destination as we are in need of trim tab repair.

We pass by the Duck Club Yacht Club, which is situated next door to Port Charles Marina.

We turn into the marina and juice the engine as the current is strong.
Once in the marina, the water, while muddy, is calm. We head to our slip and dock without any issues.

We stay overnight and await our early morning haul out and repair.

As customers of the Port Charles Marina, we have privileges to dine at the Duck Creek Yacht Club for dinner.
This is the driveway to walk over to the Duck Creek Yacht Club…usually.

This is the way today…

We are told walking to somewhere else is not an option as nothing else exists nearby. We will be dining onboard tonight!
Morning arrives and the marine “doctors” arrive to transport Prime 11 into the service bay.

She is driven by the captain over to the lift.
After several adjustments, she is lifted and moved onto land.
On land, she will be blocked up and supported while the techs perform their magic.

It will take several hours for the work to be completed. We find ourselves homeless now on this hot humid 95 degree day. Thankfully, the marina offers us their loaner car and we head into the nearby town of St. Charles for lunch.

Driving into St. Charles and away from the marina, we truly get the “lay of the land” and the discovery of exactly where we are… the beautiful heartland of America!

The historic district of St. Charles is 12 miles from the marina. The route takes along rough roads through farms and fields. The true mileage might be shorter, but today some roads are flooded detouring us along our way.
St. Charles lies on the Missouri River. With all these rivers, it gets quite confusing as to where we are at times. A map always helps!

St. Charles, with a population of 70,000+ people, is the 9th largest city in the state of Missouri. It was the first state capital of Missouri, holding that title from 1821-1826. During their expedition of the western territory, Lewis and Clark called St. Charles the last “civilized” settlement before their journey upstream.
Today, the town is very “civilized” with cute little boutiques and restaurants.

They even have a soda museum!

I could have stayed longer meandering the shops and the boutiques, but after lunch at the Main House in St. Charles, we received a call that Prime 11 is finished and ready to go. We head back to the marina as our plan is to travel this afternoon to Alton, IL.

Before leaving Port Charles, there is one more service item.

By 3PM, Prime 11 is all well, fed full and free to go! Off to Alton, IL.
Glad to see you got the trim tab taken care of and are back underway.
Thanks! The rain and water has hindered us now. Always something!