So, back on board, we could only view our destination by looking out our windows into the marina.
Finally, after several hours, the border patrol agents arrive. Apparently, they had to drive 1 1/2 hours from Sault Ste. Marie to confiscate our contraband.
Our last experience with Blind River was watching the sun go down. Hopefully the rest of our visit to Canada goes a little smoother!
1 thought on “Harbor Island, MI to Blind River, Ontario Canada”
When bears get to swimming, then bear spray would be a good choice. Who could have known about pepper spray? Now we know. Great adventure watching the sea life. Glad you are OK for the experience.
When bears get to swimming, then bear spray would be a good choice. Who could have known about pepper spray? Now we know. Great adventure watching the sea life. Glad you are OK for the experience.